
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Twilight: Movie Review

Twilight: Critic’s Review

            Everyone has opinions about Twilight. Some of these opinions are good and some not so much, but either way everyone has heard something about it. This makes the activity very large and unique. The activity system can be as broad as anyone that has heard about the movie and that has an opinion. More specific, the movie review would be use in the activity system of people who are considering seeing the movie. They may read reviews to try and decide if the want to pay to go see it at the movie theatre. When looking at the creative style, one type of writing includes entertainment media so I decided to take a look at a movie review for the newest Twilight movie. The movie review would have to be in written in the creative style because the main purpose is to entertain people, but also be informative. If someone wrote a movie review in the official style, people would be less likely to read the whole article.
All seems moderately well in this vampire-werewolf group that must somehow form a family until a misunderstanding soon occurs. A member of the extended vampire family spies Bella and Edward's child, Renesmee (like so much in this saga, the name is a long story), from a mountaintop and assumes that the kid is an "immortal child," that is, a vampire who was changed from mortal to undead in his or her formative years (think the Kirsten Dunst character in "Interview With a Vampire"). Now, "immortal children" are strict no-nos according to the rule of the Volturi, the coven of vampires who made trouble for Edward and Bella since finding out about the vampire-human love affair in the second novel/movie "New Moon." The Volturi, who dispatch the fellow vampires of whom they disapprove by popping off their heads like they're giant plastic dolls, march on over from Tuscany to instigate the battle royal described above.

            The piece qualifies as a creative piece for several reason other than that it is a movie review or entertainment media. One of these reason include the fact that the readability level is so uncertain. For example, the excerpt above has an average grade level of 16. 2, but the paragraph that followed had an average grade level of 4.7. There is really no rhyme or reason for the level of difficultly for specific words or the piece as a whole.
            In the excerpt above, there are several rhetorical devices used. For example, it is a simile when they say “they disapprove by popping off their heads like they’re giant plastic doll.” There is also an allusion to the mention of Kirsten Dunst and the movie “Interview with a Vampire.” The use of “no-nos” could be considered an epizeuxis. Another unique rhetorical device used is periphrasis, the author uses “immortal child” but then used a more wordy explanation in “a vampire who was changed from mortal to undead in his or her formative years.”
            The movie review contains elements of the official style in some of the vocabulary choices. The author uses more complex words in places when a more plain language could be used. I believe he does this to gain credibility. The overall style of the movie review is more creative than anything, but still has elements of the plain and official styles. I think this is very interesting, yet very common. I feel like a piece becomes more universal, diverse, and well-written if you can touch elements of every style.

Kacie Burke

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