
Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Creative Company with a Creative Style

             For my creative style critique, I have chosen to look at a review of the Apple iPhone 5s. The review can be read in full at The title of the article is “iPhone 5s Reviews Point Out The Good, The Bad – But Mostly The Good”. What’s interesting to look at in this review are the many rhetorical devices implemented throughout the article put in place to subconsciously sway the reader into siding with the iPhone. Even in the title the reader is being set up towards a certain preference or intended reading. While the “bad” aspects of the phone seem like they may be included, in reality they are just pushed aside to make way for the good. By acting like there are two sides to the story, the reader is influenced to believe that they are making the decision that the iPhone is superior on their own. Many examples of subtle influences are prevalent throughout the article, and it is interesting to examine the ulterior motives the company has other than just explaining a couple of features.
            The iPhone itself is a creative text. It is designed in certain ways so that it can influence consumer interest without making changes to its fundamentals. Most new iPhones don’t stray far from the overall functionality or design of their predecessors. Apple has created a product that is dependent on cutting edge technology, as well as aesthetic appeals, and over time consumers have begun to trust the brand due to the proven reliability of the products. So when Apple announces a new product such as the iPhone 5s and focuses on a couple of minor new features such as gold being a color option, and a fingerprint scanner lock button, the consumer desire to have that new product is immediately triggered due to the fact that a reliable piece of technology just got a little bit better. But is the new phone actually better than its predecessor? Most practical people would say that a couple minor features are not worth the hundreds of dollars it costs for a new phone. However, in contemporary society where aesthetics are half of the battle so to speak, it can be argued that many iPhone users will desire the new phone.
            Gold being a new color option is a great example of how aesthetics can win over an audience. For the entire life of the iPhone, there has never been any other option beside white or black. In fact, in the earlier models of the iPhone, black was the only option one could choose. By simply introducing a new color, many people began to get excited. There is another reason however as to why adding gold as a new color increased desire.
Power is a very desirable trait for some people. In fact, I think that Apple would say that their products appeal to people of a certain status. Keeping that idea in mind, I believe that Apple incorporated gold as a new color in order to rhetorically persuade their audience to see the phone as a power symbol. This is an interesting idea to think about due to the fact that such a miniscule feature such as a new color can influence an audience just because of the status that the product gives off. Apple takes advantage of society’s desire to have the “coolest” technology available, and in return is able to deploy marketing strategies that do not focus on the functionality of the phone. This sort of marketing and advertisement is extremely creative, and deviates far from the norm so to speak when we look at other companies who advertise their products based on how they function and what they can do, not what they look like.
By implementing the creative style into advertising for the iPhone 5s, Apple is able to rhetorically persuade their audience and deliver a product with an exceedingly high approval and desire rate before it is even released. Taking full advantage of what the creative style has to offer and focusing on what the people will be surprised and excited by, Apple is able to turn a slightly newer version of an outdated product into something that is completely rejuvenated and hyped, and I think that is pretty amazing.
M. Walters

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