
Monday, April 18, 2022

Nay, Official Style is Here to Stay!

 By Peter Hliqaim

Writing has transformed over the millennia into the many stylistic forms we know today such as the official style. Official style is the higher educational approach many credible individuals adopt to deliver their research and findings. The Death of Language: Listening to the Echoes (of Georges Bataille) in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II—The Sith Lords is no exception to the system. Author Marcin Hanuszkiewicz uses official style strategies to address his audience. The article was published in 2020 and made available through the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse’s Murphy Library. Hanuszkiewicz is a graduate student from the University of Silesia in Katowice. The article was published in the journal Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory, and Culture. It compares the similarities between Star Wars video-game character Kreia and her ideological position regarding the Force, to ideals presented by philosopher Georges Bataille and the constraints and rules of language in mankind. Hanuszkiewicz’s text can be used in the context of education, philosophy, and videogames. Though Hanuszkiewicz’s audience is limited due to the content of his text, the official strategies prove to be effective for the intended purpose.

There is a constant among all official style texts, and that is writing in the passive voice. This means text is mainly written from the third-person point of view. Writers are more focused on the subject being acted on and not the action being performed by the subject. The passive voice strategy helps emphasize focus on the topic of the text, and in this way, there is less emotional attachment between the reader and the text allowing for more objective observations. This is critical to official style texts as most are of informative nature. Writing objectively is an important element of official style text and being able to effectively communicate between parties and professionals is a valued skill.    

Official style has been around for a long time and can be difficult for many individuals to comprehend. The difficulty makes it apparent that the intended audience is not geared towards a wide array of groups. Professionals use official language as a communication tool and it makes sense that not everything has to be understood by the average person outside the field. It can be argued that the use of official strategies are not needed to express ideas, but if the reader is not within the intended audience, then there is no need to have writers accommodate the general public. Audience is a key factor in every piece of writing, and though official style limits this, it works for higher education and professional purposes. 

 Further analysis of Hanuszkiewicz's text reveals that the audience does indeed gravitate towards insiders, individuals who fit into the category of philosophical theorists, Star Wars enthusiasts, and video gamers. In-depth analysis of texts and inclusion of many philosophical figures may not make complete sense to individuals unfamiliar with these kinds of texts and ideals. Hanuszkiewicz includes references to other figures such Vladimir Nabokov, “Therefore, if one is to listen, then one has to listen in a way reminiscent of the listening described by Nabokov: ’I am like one of those inflated pale spiders you see in old gardens...’” (Hanuszkiewicz, 2020, p.264) Readers unfamiliar with Nabokov, would have to research background information to grasp an understanding of why the inclusion of his ideas make sense in this text. Again, audience is a key factor in why using official strategies make sense and work for this text. Not only is the audience important, but word choice also narrows the scope further.

How an author chooses to express ideas and emotions through word choice plays an important role in the level of writing which can be accomplished. Complex word choice can tie in ideas with deeper meaning. This stylistic approach brings forth the idea of credibility and appearance of intellect. As an individual who writes at a high level, there is a component of professionalism to be kept. Academic text is no stranger to this element, and The Death of Language: Listening to the Echoes (of Georges Bataille) in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II—The Sith Lords follows this style. Hanuszkiewicz displays this with word choice such as “bereft” (deprived of or lacking), “etymologically” (relating to the origin and historical development of words and their meanings), and “vehemently” (in a forceful, passionate, or intense manner; with great feeling) which he does an excellent job at expressing more emotion in an official style text. An inevitable encounter with complex word choice can be the abrupt stop in the reader’s flow of thoughts. It will cause the reader to seek out the meaning of the word with the context in mind. An argument can be made as to why the writer did not choose more easily understood words and phrases because there are alternatives to which the same emotion can be expressed, but in some cases, one meaningful word can do the same as a five-word descriptive phrase. There are so many tools to use in writing an effective official style text, and some are more effective than others.

Some strategies used in Hanuszkiewicz’s text help emphasize ideas by adding more details to an introduced idea or by combining thoughts for fluency. This adds an element of credibility by showcasing an author’s writing skill, as well as helping the text be more engaging and not too dry. This is done well in the text as Hanuszkiewicz uses them effectively to add more details and combine thoughts that do not need to be separated. In this instance, he uses both appositive and coordination strategies to effectively introduce the idea of the Force, “The Force seems to be a life-force, a fabric of energy woven into the matter of which all things are made, a rhizome of pangalactic proportions, the pulsations of which can be heard by those attuned to it—Force sensitives.” (Hanuszkiewicz, 2020, p.260) This sentence describes the force in detail by continuously adding on to what it is, that it actually is something else to make sense of it in terms of human understanding. The thoughts could be separated at “a rhizome of pangalactic proportions,” but by combining these like ideas and not separating them, it adds emphasis to how massive and important the force really is to the Star Wars universe. Being able to effectively use official style strategies like this adds so much color, credibility, and understanding to the ideas presented in a text. Collectively, all of these elements make an effective official style text because it checks off all the marks for its intended purpose. Though these make an effective text, some may question the necessity for official style strategies to be used in communicating ideas.

Realistically, the same message can be expressed without using official style prose strategies, but there has to be established credibility beforehand. Official style is used to communicate professionally, and when ideas are communicated without this level of formality, the background of an individual comes into question such as their education, profession, and experience. Once this has been established, this is where individuals can express their ideas in plain text for the general public to digest, otherwise, it would be effective any other way.

Overall, official style strategies prove to positively affect the message intended for its audience. They provide the desired established credibility individuals seek and professionalism expected by peers and experts. There may be the limitations of which audiences can understand these texts, but overall these strategies provide the necessary basis of professional writing. Arguments can be made to eliminate official style writing altogether, but that can be said about any writing style, and it's evident there is a purpose for its continuous utilization in today’s society.

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